Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Philip Kotler defines marketing as the social process and administrative whereby groups and individuals meet their needs to create and exchange goods and services.

Marketing is also both an art and science to meet the needs of customers and gain profits at the same time.

The marketing involves marketing strategies, sales, market research, market positioning. This term is often confused with that of advertising. Advertising is only one of marketing tools.

Marketing's main objective is to promote the exchange between two parties so that both benefit.

Transaction is the act of obtaining a desired product from another person, offering something in return.

For this to occur, it is necessary to take five conditions:

There must be at least two parties.
Each party must have something that represents value to the other.
Each party must be able to communicate and deliver.
Each party must be free of accepting or rejecting the offer.
Each party must believe it is appropriate.
If for any reason, any party involved in the exchange is not satisfied, that party can refuse to engage in further transaction.

As a scientific discipline, marketing is a set of principles, methodologies and techniques to conquer a market, achieving the objectives of the organization, and meet the customer's needs and desires.

Public relation is the organization efforts to ensure that consumers have the positive perception and view about company products and services. To achieve this objectives, the company must manage the product, price, develop and maintain quality relationship with customers, suppliers and its own employees, advertising the products and services in various media to gain market share.

Marketing Concepts

Need is an internal state of tension which is caused by what someone want and what he or she actually has. When needs are translated into specific objects then we call it desires.

Demand is the desire to acquire a product and the ability to buy it.

The marketing does not create needs. Needs are already inherent in people. Marketing oriented desires and creates demand for certain product and brand.
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