Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sustainable Growth Rate

Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. we become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts. Aristotle

What does it mean to be temperate?

To be temperate means striving for the maximum effects by doing less and less. It’s about combining efficiency and creativity, productivity, and quality.

Striving and achieving the perfect balance in all things that you do is crucial in your efforts. You want a step by step growth.

You don’t want massive but unmanageable growth. You want sustainable growth rate based on the law of nature. Sustainable business growth is the key to both sort and long terms success in all that you do.

Why to be temperate in business and personally is crucial?

You need to understand when enough is enough. You cannot push ton much. Understand the law of diminishing return. When you exert to much, you will not achieve more, but you will achieve less.

To be temperate means that you understand when too much means disaster. You want to grow but you need to understand about the principle of sustainable growth. You focus your effort to establish sustainable businesses in lucrative niche market based on your core competence trough customer retention.

Copyright: Martin W. All Right Reserved

Profitable Niche Market

Why we must focus on lucrative niche market?

You want to ensure that your business is profitable even in the short term, that's why you need to focus on lucrative niche market.

Finding lucrative and profitable niche market which is based on your core competence help you to easily succeed in your business.

When you focus an a certain lucrative niche market based on your core competence it is easy for you to succeed. When it is easy for you to succeed, be profitable, then you can have enough money develop your business to the next level.

It is crucial that you have enough reserves to invest to grow your business, that's why you want a profitable business, both in the short term and long term.

Copyright: Martin W. All Right Reserved.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Serve Lucrative Niche Market

Profitable Business Venture

What are the principles of products and services creation?

To establish a profitable business venture, it is crucial that you focus on the most lucrative niche markets, which are easily achievable, and highly corelated with your core competence.

You need to open up a business based on your personal core competence bacause you want to easily run your business and be successful in market despite of the competition.

Create high demands products and services that serve lucrative niche market to ensure that your business will be profitable.

Establishing profitable business venture from the start is crucial to ensure that you are continuously motivated to grow your business to the next level.

You need to do some analyses to find lucrative niche market which is based on your core competence so that you can easily succeed in your business venture.

Copyright: Martin W. All Right Reserved.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Philip Kotler defines marketing as the social process and administrative whereby groups and individuals meet their needs to create and exchange goods and services.

Marketing is also both an art and science to meet the needs of customers and gain profits at the same time.

The marketing involves marketing strategies, sales, market research, market positioning. This term is often confused with that of advertising. Advertising is only one of marketing tools.

Marketing's main objective is to promote the exchange between two parties so that both benefit.

Transaction is the act of obtaining a desired product from another person, offering something in return.

For this to occur, it is necessary to take five conditions:

There must be at least two parties.
Each party must have something that represents value to the other.
Each party must be able to communicate and deliver.
Each party must be free of accepting or rejecting the offer.
Each party must believe it is appropriate.
If for any reason, any party involved in the exchange is not satisfied, that party can refuse to engage in further transaction.

As a scientific discipline, marketing is a set of principles, methodologies and techniques to conquer a market, achieving the objectives of the organization, and meet the customer's needs and desires.

Public relation is the organization efforts to ensure that consumers have the positive perception and view about company products and services. To achieve this objectives, the company must manage the product, price, develop and maintain quality relationship with customers, suppliers and its own employees, advertising the products and services in various media to gain market share.

Marketing Concepts

Need is an internal state of tension which is caused by what someone want and what he or she actually has. When needs are translated into specific objects then we call it desires.

Demand is the desire to acquire a product and the ability to buy it.

The marketing does not create needs. Needs are already inherent in people. Marketing oriented desires and creates demand for certain product and brand.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Be Innovative to Change Your Life

Act Now to Experiment Those High Value Ideas!

High value ideas can give you great benefits. When you are experimenting on ideas, you want to make sure that those ideas are high value ideas which are worth the efforts to be put into experimentation. You don’t want to waste your time on obviously low or middle value ideas, you only focus to experiment the highest value ideas that worth your time and efforts to be put into experimentation.

Turning high value ideas into experimentation takes certain amount of time and energy. You must count the cost in terms of time, energy, and other required resources to put those ideas into practice. Once you are sure that such ideas will give certain benefits, then you must to massive action to experiment those ideas.

Be decisive once you’ve counted the cost and convinced that such ideas worth the efforts. Take massive action to put those ideas into real practice with speed and accuracy. Remember: Speed and accuracy is crucial to your success.

Pay attention to detail when you put your ideas into experimentation. Write down valuable lessons which you learn when you put those ideas into practice. Stop your experimentation immediately when you consider that such ideas turn to be not so good. Improve your experimentation when you consider that there is a better way to experiment those ideas. When you find such ideas are really great: create a system to put them into consistent practice to reap the great benefits.

Copyright: Martin W. All Right Reserved.